
Peru's coca-producing area projected to reduce 50% by 2021

erradicación de la coca

erradicación de la coca

08:30 | Lima, May. 25.

National Commission for Development and Life without Drugs (Devida) Head Carmen Masias said Peru's coca-producing areas are expected to see a 50% reduction by 2021.

The Devida official guaranteed the growth of alternative crops of those seeking legal and formal conditions in mostly coca-free basins.

"We want to plant 4,000 hectares of alternative crops across Peru this year […], thus improving the quality of life of all Peruvian nationals," she told the press.

Masias also stressed the need to seize greater chemical inputs, although acknowledged the current administration has made a considerable progress lately.

Announcement was made at a press conference along with Peru's Prime Minister Fernando Zavala and Justice and Human Rights Minister Marisol Perez following a Council of Ministers session at Lima's Government Palace.

Minister Zavala announced the government has passed the National Strategy to Fight against Drugs 2017-2021. It involves over 60 public and private entities to comprehensively address the drugs problem in the country.

He also explained this will help preserve the population's health, safety and well-being while dealing with the drugs problem.


Published: 5/25/2017