
Tourist must-see spots in Ayacucho

Circuito turístico norte de Ayacucho

17:34 | Ayacucho, Jan. 19.

Those planning to visit Ayacucho, Peru during the colorful and festive carnival season should not miss the opportunity to know the several tourist attractions the region has to offer including natural and historical places, archeological sites, churches, craftsmanship, gastronomy, and hospitality of its people.

There are two circuits available for those starting their journey in Ayacucho City, known as Peru's Capital of Folk Arts and Handicrafts.

Southern Circuit

This route includes destinations such as Huaraca, located in Vinchos district, an hour and a half away from Ayacucho city. It houses a beautiful lake and is surrounded by a forest of giant stones resembling animal shapes.

Another must stop is Tintacayoq, located 98 kilometers south of Ayacucho City. It includes a 6,000 hectare regional preservation zone named Bosque de Puyas Raymondi specifically after the plant, which grows about 10 meter tall or more.

Three waterfalls can be seen right next to Cangallo Road: Pumapaqcha, Batan and Qorimaqma, famed for their healing properties and high concentration of positive and magnetic energy.

Vilcashuaman is another must-see spot. It is an administrative Inca center —117 kilometers away from Ayacucho— which managed to house up to 40,000 inhabitants in the past.

Travelers should also visit Huancapi, named the world’s ecological city to commemorate a past protest against the cutting down of a cedar placed at the main square.

Northern Circuit

The North area also showcases a variety of unforgettable places such as Acosvinchos —located at an altitude of 2,848 meters. While in there, visitors can enjoy hot springs and La Colpa waterfall.

Those interested in knowing the origin of Peruvian people, should attend the Pacaycasa archeological complex, in which lies Piquimachay Cave. This place houses the most ancient lithic artifacts related to bonds of extinguished animals (mastodons, saber-toothed tigers and camelids).

The ancient pre-Inca city of Wari, capital of the Wari culture, is another stop part of this route. 

In addition, holidaymakers can visit Tablapampa, an archaeological site belonging to the Huarpa culture.


Published: 1/19/2016