U.S. demand for Peruvian garments rose 6% between January and April 2018 over the same period in 2017, the Exports and Tourism Promotion Board (PromPeru) informed Thursday.
According to PromPeru, the United States' garment imports expanded 2.4% in the first four months of the current year.
They were followed by those from Canada (+56%), Brazil (+49.4%), Germany (+39.1%), and Argentina (+17.9%).
It must be noted
garment exports account for 68% of Peru's total
textile sales and 57% of the sector's growth, which is mainly explained by greater shipments of knitted cotton shirts (+43.5%) and cotton t-shirts (+21.5%).
In this regard, PromPeru noted national garment
exports amounted to US$295 million in the recent Jan-Apr period, up by 9.6% over the same term last year.
garment sales abroad saw a 17.5% rise last April compared to the same month in 2017.