
Peru's Trujillo expects 50,000 tourists during International Spring Festival

Estiman llegada de 50,000 turistas a Trujillo por el Festival de la Primavera. ANDINA/Luis Puell

14:06 | Trujillo (La Libertad region), Sep. 18.

About 50,000 domestic and foreign visitors are expected to attend the International Spring Festival in Trujillo —capital of northern La Libertad region— this year.

According to Trujillo Province Tourism Department Assistant Manager Miriam Gayoso, the event will host 15,000 tourists more than last year, due to improvements and in spite of natural disasters caused by Coastal El Niño weather phenomenon.

"We have devoted significant promotional efforts in Cusco to increase visits to Trujillo. The place houses El Brujo archaeological site, where the Lady of Cao now can be seen in a replica of her face, drawing the attention of many," the official expressed.

"We also have Chan Chan citadel, Huanchaco, as well as Moche Temples of the Sun and the Moon," she added.

Even though Trujillo's main square is closed for remodeling, the city offers new sightseeing tours, including stops at Miraflores Cemetery and beautiful night views of the city.

The idea is to see tourists enjoying Trujillo's diverse culinary scene and adequate infrastructure for more days.

Also, the popular Grand Parade will weave its way through major streets of the city as part of the activities scheduled to mark the festival's 67th edition.

More than 30 floats are expected to join the public procession slated for September 24th.


Published: 9/18/2017