
President Castillo: Gov't aims to continue placing Peru as example of economic soundness

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic

19:22 | Lima, Feb. 17.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Thursday reiterated that his administration aims to continue placing Peru as an example of economic soundness.

In a post on Twitter, the Head of State indicated that this will allow Peru to become a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), "with a competitive and inclusive economy for all Peruvians."

Additionally, the country's top official highlighted the report issued by international agency Bloomberg, which indicates that Peru is currently the strongest and most stable economy, "thus turning it into the leader of the region."

"The confidence in the country's economy and its sound macro-economic fundamentals are reflected and confirmed in these results," he stated.

According to an update in the agency's country risk ranking, Peru reached 56.28 points, displacing Chile, which reached 52.79 points.

"This news, in addition to the recovery of our currency and the low financing costs for the country, confirm that this is a Government of change, which builds and reaffirms its commitment to the projects that were previously entrusted," he affirmed.


Published: 2/17/2022