
President calls for unity to guide development of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic

17:27 | Incahuasi (Lambayeque region), Feb. 17.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Thursday called for the unity of all Peruvians and ensured economic and legal stability to guide the development of the country.

Commenting on a Bloomberg's report, which indicates that Peru is currently the strongest and most stable economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr. Castillo said that the Government is demonstrating quite the opposite of what a few sectors used to say about it.

"We cannot act irresponsibly by letting the economy pose a risk to Peru, that is why we have called those who are familiar with the sector," he remarked.

In addition, the Head of State mentioned that Economy-Finance Minister Oscar Graham's work aims to maintain a balanced economy and ensure that Peru will have a stable and risk-free economy.

The President called for the unity of all Peruvian nationals and on entrepreneurs to invest (in the country).

"We will ensure economic and legal stability, and we hope that political stability will help us move forward for the sake of the country's development," he told TVPeru.

On the other hand, the country's top official expressed his wish to desist from the back and forth discussion with Congress.

"We have a Government elected by the people, as was Congress, to put the country's challenges on the agenda. The State owes an historical debt to the country; we need to observe reality very closely," he added.

Mr. Castillo's remarks were delivered while participating in the inauguration of Virgen de las Mercedes School in the district of Incahuasi in Lambayeque region.


Published: 2/17/2022