
President Boluarte: Peru's growth and development can be fostered in democracy

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/ Presidency of the Republic of Peru

11:31 | Lima, Dec. 7.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Thursday affirmed that only in democracy will Peru be able to foster growth and development, as well as to achieve social justice and equality that we so long for.

"Our citizens, especially young people, must know that only in democracy will our country be able to foster growth and development, only in democracy will we be able to achieve social justice and equality that we long for, and only in democracy as Tayta (Jose María) Arguedas said, all bloods will be able to coexist in this multiethnic and multicultural territory," she indicated.

The top official explained that the purpose of establishing every December 7 as the "Day of Institutionalism, Rule of Law, and Defense of Democracy" is to promote democratic values and institutionality among citizens. It will stimulate collective awareness about respect to the constitutional and democratic state in our country.

"For this purpose, the national flag raising ceremony throughout the territory was stipulated, a regulation of vital importance so that a coup threat never again attempts to put democracy at risk," she affirmed.

The Head of State reminded citizens that there were events in Peruvian history which tested society's integrity and character, as occurred on December 7, 2022, when Peru and "its fragile democracy" looked into the abyss once ex-President Pedro Castillo had attempted to launch a coup d'état.

"Nonetheless, the institutions of the republic, the organized civil society, and the people responded firmly to the failed attempt and vigorously defended our democracy," Mrs. Boluarte stated.

"Today, with the perspective we have we can say that this coup attempt was doomed to failure since the beginning; the country would not allow a handful of characters to take away our institutionality," she explained.

Moreover, Mrs. Boluarte said that given those circumstances and to safeguard the country, Congress made the decision that the country knows, and "it was up to me to loyally assume the Presidency within the framework of constitutional succession."

"(…) a position that I assumed being aware of the enormous responsibility that falls on me as the first woman in the Presidency; therefore, it could not be otherwise, I called for the broadest unity of all Peruvians," she expressed.


Published: 12/7/2023