
Peru's Ubinas Volcano: Explosion recorded before midnight

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

10:35 | General Sanchez Cerro (Moquegua region), Jul. 7.

A new explosion was registered at Ubinas Volcano —located in Peru's southern Sanchez Cerro province, Moquegua region— on Thursday prior to midnight, the Geological, Mining, and Metallurgical Institute (Ingemmet) reported on Friday.

It was followed by ash emission that reached a height of 3,000 meters above the crater's top, the State-run body indicated.

The new detonation was reported to the National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) and to other authorities for the adoption of respective measures.

This event was also confirmed by the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP), which monitors the eruptive process of Ubinas volcano as well.

The emission of ash, which has been recorded since the early hours of Friday, headed southeast, thus affecting more than 500 residents of various populated centers, such as Anascapa and Santa Rosa, among others.

Yesterday, an Executive Branch delegation led by Transportation-Communications Minister Paola Lazarte arrived in Ubinas district to bring humanitarian aid, as well as to coordinate with local authorities and residents the setting up of a shelter to host victims. 

According to the Geological, Mining, and Metallurgical Institute (Ingemmet), that explosion took place at 3:17 a.m. (local time) and was followed by the emission of ash.


Published: 7/7/2023