Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra on Thursday announced that the second Universal Family Bonus worth S/760 (US$223) will be delivered to 8,685,915 households starting September this year.
"8,685,915 households will receive a second (COVID-19) grant starting in September, and we are coordinating with banks to improve the efficiency of the payment process," he said.
"We are using a series of mechanisms so that the people can have their benefits paid directly into their accounts," Mr. Vizcarra added.
The Head of State reported that on Wednesday
the Council of Ministers approved the urgency decree on the second Universal Family Bonus, which benefits more than 8,600,000 households, that is, around 25 million Peruvians.
Payment process to be faster
According to the Peruvian leader, this grant will not be paid in four months, but in a much shorter time.
President Vizcarra recalled that the first grant called "I Stay Home" was issued on April 20. Aimed at 2,700,000 households at that time, this grant was the first financial aid awarded in response to the state of emergency declared by the Government to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.
"We have incorporated more households gradually, totaling 6 million households until a month ago. Then, through
the Universal Family Bonus —in the final stretch and in order to reach the entire population in need— we added 2.5 million families, who currently receive the grant," he stated.
"We believe that this second Universal Family Bonus is not only a right for the households that have resisted the COVID-19 quarantine measure with so much effort, but also our obligation to be able to serve them," he concluded.
Remarks were made in a press conference held at the Government Palace in Lima.
President Vizcarra was joined by Prime Minister Walter Martos and other Cabinet members on the occasion.
Published: 8/20/2020