
Peru's President: Joint efforts by all sectors save lives

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

14:45 | Lima, Mar. 10.

The President of the Republic Francisco Sagasti on Wednesday assured that efforts jointly undertaken by the private sector, civil society organizations, academia, and Peruvian State —in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic— lead to improving the living conditions of all citizens and saving lives.

The statesman assured that one of the main characteristics of his administration —since it took office in November 2020— was to unite all citizens' efforts, as well as avoid unnecessary rivalries or disputes.

The Peruvian leader specified that this donation of oxygen comes in addition to the contribution made by the private sector amid the oxygen crisis —in coordination with the public sector— mobilizing knowledge, energy, resources, and willingness.

"I hope and I am sure that we will continue to cooperate as we have been doing in a transparent, frank, open, and effective manner," he stated.

The signing ceremony took place at the Government Palace in Lima.


Published: 3/10/2021