
Peru's President: Government will support fight against corruption

Peruvian President Francisco Sagasti delivers his first Address to the Nation from Congress. Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

Peruvian President Francisco Sagasti delivers his first Address to the Nation from Congress. Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic

19:00 | Lima, Nov. 17.

The recently-sworn-in President of the Republic Francisco Sagasti on Tuesday affirmed that his government will support the work of prosecutorial teams specialized in the fight against corruption.

In his first Address to the Nation as President, the Head of State reminded legislators that the Executive Branch does not have direct intervention on the matter, since it is the task of the Prosecutor's Office and the Judicial Branch.

The statesman also announced that his administration will strengthen the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) —an initiative submitted by several parliamentarians to fight the crime of money laundering.

"And from the Government we will act with total transparency in all instances," he promised.

Similarly, the top official told Congress members that the Government Palace doors are open to all.

"We hope to see you there, we invite you, we will listen to your proposals," he assured them, specifying this does not imply that parliamentarians leave their oversight task behind.

Under this premise, the Peruvian leader said he hopes that this new communication channel between both State powers will allow them to overcome an antagonism that has cost a lot in the past.


Published: 11/17/2020