
Peru's President condemns narco-terrorist attack in Junin region

Peruvian President Francisco Sagasti. Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic.

Peruvian President Francisco Sagasti. Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic.

11:50 | Lima, Dec. 22.

The President of the Republic Francisco Sagasti has condemned the narco-terrorist attack that claimed the life of a Peruvian Navy officer in Junin region, adding that his administration continues to work to eradicate terrorist remnants.

In a tweet posted on Monday, the Head of State extended his sympathy to the family of the brave naval officer, who lost his life on said day.

"I strongly condemn and repudiate the narco-terrorist attack that claimed the life of the courageous sea officer Gustavo Valladares Neyra and injured 3 members of the Navy. I express my condolences to his relatives. We continue working to eradicate terrorist remnants," he stated.

On Monday night, the Joint Command of the Armed Forces reported that alleged narco-terrorist criminals had attacked Navy vessels in Puerto Palmeras, a town located in Vizcatan del Ene district, in Satipo Province (Junin region).

The attack left one member of the Armed Forces dead and three others wounded. The latter receive specialized medical care at the Emergency Care Center in Pichari.


Published: 12/22/2020