
Peru's PM: Government works intensively to ensure face-to-face classes in March

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru

20:10 | Lima, Feb. 9.

The Peruvian Government is working intensively to guarantee the resumption of face-to-face school classes this March, new Prime Minister Anibal Torres reported on Wednesday.

"We are working hard to resume face-to-face school classes," the Cabinet chief emphasized during a press conference following the first session of the Council of Ministers headed by him.

"With education we combat many scourges, with education jobs are created. With education, the family, society and the State, in general, move forward," he expressed.

COVID-19 vaccination

Moreover, the Prime Minister specified that the Government will continue with the intense efforts on the vaccination against COVID-19.

Within this framework, the Cabinet chief said all measures were taken so that this infection does not spread.

"We must understand that it is necessary to vaccinate the majority of the population so as to open the market because only this way we can grow, economically speaking. Besides, jobs can be created and taxes will invigorate the Public Treasury. In addition, fundamental care needs will be met," Torres explained.

"Among the fundamental issues is the Second Agrarian Reform, which will contribute to creating agricultural micro-enterprises, facilitating fertilizers for crops, and we are also assessing the possibility that farmers gain access to agrarian credit," he added.

Last Tuesday, Anibal Torres was sworn in as Prime Minister, thus replacing Hector Valer in the post.


Published: 2/9/2022