
Peru, U.S. will establish working group to combat transnational organized crime

Photo: ANDINA/Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru

16:59 | Washington, D.C. (U.S.), Mar. 14.

Peruvian Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea on Thursday met with U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, to discuss issues of bilateral interest, including the establishment of a working group to combat transnational organized crime.

The agenda included aspects related to democracy, human rights, regional security, trade, investment, and migration.

In this regard, Gonzalez-Olaechea and Blinken agreed to establish a working group to jointly confront the actions of transnational organized crime.

Moreover, the meeting included a ceremony in which the United States returned to Peru a document dating to the 16th century, which will be transferred to the General Archive of the Nation.

The six-page manuscript is a contract for the creation of the very first theater troupe in the Americas and dates from June 28, 1599. 

For a long time, it was in a private collection, and then, voluntarily, its holder transferred it to the FBI, which handed it to the Rosenbach Museum, to be now returned to Peru.

This return was carried out based on the Bilateral Agreement on Cultural Property between the two nations.

Economic progress

On the other hand, both government representatives recognized the progress made thanks to the implementation of the Trade Promotion Agreement between Peru and the United States, 15 years after it came into force.

During the meeting, held in Washington, D.C., the two officials highlighted the strengthening of the strategic partnership between Peru and the United States. This occurs prior to the celebration of the bicentennial of diplomatic relations, in 2026.


Published: 3/14/2024