
Peru: Terrorist Morote left prison, to serve house arrest

Photo: AFP

13:14 | Lima, Apr. 20.

Shining Path terrorist group deputy leader Osman Morote on Friday left Lima's Ancon prison to serve house arrest while being tried for the Tarata Street bombing case.

Morote was arrested in 1988 and sentenced to 25 years in prison for the crime of terrorism —a sentence he completed on June 11, 2013.

However, he was not released at that time because the Judiciary placed him under arrest giving him preventive detention for the Soras case, known as "The Caravan of Death."

Such crime took place on July 16, 1984, when 117 people from the Soras peasant community and seven adjoining areas were killed by Shining Path terrorists.

Escorted by several police SUVs, 73-year-old Morote was taken to Lima Metropolitan Area's eastern Chaclacayo district on Friday, where he will stay.

Concerning the bail pending on him —which deadline falls on April 24— lawyer Raul Bonnet affirmed his client will comply with settling it on time.

According to Bonnet, the payment will be made thanks to loans and "international solidarity."

On April 17, the Judicial Branch ordered house arrest for Shining Path terrorists Osman Morote and Margot Liendo.

It also ordered the payment of a S/10,000 (about US$3,104) bail within a period of five business days.

The decision was made within the framework of the trial on him and Liendo over the Tarata Street bombing, which took place in Lima's Miraflores district back in 1992 and killed 25 citizens.

Click here to read about Morote's crimes.


Published: 4/20/2018