
Peru: Tayta Operation reaches 18 districts to assist most vulnerable



09:00 | Lima, May. 12.

Tayta Operation, which provides protection to the most vulnerable population affected by COVID-19, does not stop and has recently reached three districts in the capital city and 15 in different regions across the country.

During the house-to-house visits, the operation provided COVID-19 tests and food support to senior citizens and people with comorbidities.

The multisectoral operation was conducted by health brigades and staff of the Armed Forces, the National Civil Defense Institute (Indeci), and National Police, with the support of different State sectors, as well as local and regional governments.

In the capital city Lima, the strategy was implemented in the housing association La Grama, located in Puente Piedra district, where it assisted 275 vulnerable citizens who were previously registered by the Amachay Network and the municipality.

The operation also reached the residential area of Ramon Espinoza, in Rimac district, where it served 200 people.

In Callao, the multisectoral strategy was carried out in the district of Carmen de la Legua, where 145 vulnerable residents were assisted. The activities were carried out by members of the Navy, the Ministry of Health (Minsa), the Regional Government of Callao, the Municipality of Carmen de la Legua, among other institutions.

In inner areas of the country, Tayta Operation reached Cochabamba (Ancash region), Quinua (Ayacucho region), Santa Rosa (Cajamarca region), Pachamarca (Huancavelica region), Ambo (Huanuco region), Trujillo (La Libertad region), Salas (Lambayeque region), and Santa Cruz de Cocharcas (Lima Province).

Other districts included Huachon (Pasco region), Cura Mori (Piura region), Padre Abad (Ucayali region), Huancaro (Cusco region), Juan Espinoza de Medrano (Apurimac region), Tambopata (Madre de Dios region), and Canoas de Punta Sal (Tumbes region).


Published: 5/12/2021