Environment Minister Modesto Montoya on Tuesday confirmed the start of the sanctions process against the energy company Repsol, for failing to comply with the remediation actions following the oil spill in the Peruvian sea.
In this regard, he said the fines to be imposed for not repairing this environmental disaster could reach up to S/304 million (about US$80.2 million)
"They have not complied with the clean-up requirements, with the recovery (of the affected areas), and with the deadlines that have been set," Montoya told the press.
He reported that the company is making progress only on the clean-up of beaches and not on the clean-up of the polluted sea.
"We visited the islands where guano birds are found, and the firm has done nothing so far," the minister stated.
Moreover, Montoya indicated that, apparently, the company "is looking for an excuse not to comply with (such requirements), but this will not be possible, because international laws protect us."
On the other hand, he remarked that another report must be submitted to assess whether fuel loading and unloading operations will be restored at Repsol's terminals.
"The company has to prepare a report so that they (the loading and unloading operations) can be definitively restored. I hope they have presented it," the high-ranking official expressed.
Furthermore, the Environment Minister mentioned that a flight will be conducted over the affected area in order to verify
sea conditions one month after the environmental disaster.
Oil spill
The ecological disaster was caused by the spill of more than 11,000 barrels of crude oil at La Pampilla maritime terminal, which is operated by the Spanish company Repsol.
Published: 2/15/2022