
Peru's Env Ministry: Repsol must restore sea conditions that existed prior to oil spill

Photo: ANDINA/Eddy Ramos

Photo: ANDINA/Eddy Ramos

13:12 | Lima, Feb. 14.

Environment Minister Modesto Montoya on Monday affirmed that it is appropriate to ensure that Repsol —the company responsible for the oil spill at La Pampilla Refinery in Ventanilla district's sea area— will restore the sea conditions that existed prior to such tragic episode.

In an interview with RPP, he said that although the clean-up of crude oil is a complex issue, this private company is required to restore the previous conditions.

According to the minister, the clean-up of beaches is moving slowly, and experts in his sector have verified that Repsol has not yet removed the white foam —which is the result of the interaction between oil and water— in areas like the islands where guano birds are found.

After thanking the participation of volunteers from universities, he mentioned that the clean-up of beaches is 70% complete, without considering the contamination of the seabed, which is an aspect that must be evaluated.

Montoya estimated that some 2,000 barrels of oil have been removed from the coast, but he emphasized that Repsol spilled around 11,000 barrels and that crude oil has reached other remote places.

Oil spill
The ecological disaster was caused by the spill of more than 11,000 barrels of crude oil at La Pampilla maritime terminal, which is operated by the Spanish company Repsol.


Published: 2/14/2022