
Peru: President requests Armed Forces, Police to work with citizenry

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

12:32 | Lima, Aug. 5.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Thursday called on the Armed Forces and the National Police of Peru to work along with citizens in order to achieve a more inclusive and tolerant nation.

Before the high military commanders gathered at Government Palace's courtyard, the Head of State said that the beginning of the third century of independent life is a new era in which Armed Forces and police will work together with Peruvians to remove all traces of discrimination and inequality from society.

In this sense, the top official called on officers, non-commissioned officers, as well as civil and military personnel of both institutions to be inspired by the deep patriotic and service spirit of national heroes and to put their discipline, courage, and love for Peru at the service of those most in need.

Likewise, Mr. Castillo indicated that he will travel to every corner of the country to listen and work with all government levels, as well as the organized population in order to solve the population's most urgent needs. 

"After 200 years of independent life, I call for the unity of all Peruvians, including the men and women of the glorious Armed Forces and National Police to —inspired by our glorious and millennial past— advance together in peace and unity in order to overcome structural differences that we have conserved as a society," he remarked.

Mr. Castillo also requested citizens to listen to the voices of Peruvians in need, indigenous and peasant communities, informal workers, poor families, unemployed people, those who are sick, elder citizens, as well as disabled and handicapped people who struggle to cope with their social and economic conditions.


Published: 8/5/2021