Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra leads the 127th session of the National Agreement Forum, which will present a study titled "
The Equality Challenge – Territorial Dynamics in Peru," prepared by the
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
This document includes the Human Development Index —disaggregated to the district level— and the State Density Index at provincial level.
The study keeps an eye on the territory and provides information on the large gaps —which still exist despite more than a decade of growth— so that development actors can make better-informed decisions to defeat
The event —held at the Government Palace's Great Dining Hall— also features Prime Minister Vicente Zeballos, National Agreement members, state ministers and representatives of political parties participating in the electoral process slated for January 26 next year.
The Forum is part of a dialogue process that gathers political parties, labor-, business-guilds, and professional schools.
Published: 12/17/2019