
Peru: President highlights private companies' commitment to public sector

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

14:00 | Chancay, Mar. 5.

The President of the Republic Pedro Castillo on Saturday highlighted the commitment existing between private companies and the public sector —a duality proven in the support and development of major projects which will benefit the population.

During the inspection of Chancay terminal port works, the Head of State indicated that the country's development is one priority for his administration.

"Today, we are witnessing how useful and important this duality is, this commitment of the private entity to the public sector," Mr. Castillo expressed.

The top official said that, since he took office (July 28, 2021), he has gotten to know responsible and serious companies, which —beyond investing in the country— "open the doors of the world to us."

"Now, we have a contact and one of the most important development centers 80 kilometers from Lima, where people from the center and southern areas of the country have the availability to engage in contact with China," he explained.

The President specified that thanks to this terminal port everything, which is produced in Peru, will travel overseas in less time and better conditions. It will also contribute to bringing technology from abroad.

Furthermore, Mr. Castillo highlighted the efforts by the private company in charge of the project which, beyond focusing on workers, also provides help to Chancay —through public water and health works.

On this occasion, the President was joined by new Transportation and Communications Minister Nicolas Bustamante, as well as officers of the company in charge of developing the project.


Published: 3/5/2022