on Wednesday affirmed that the Government does not promote, nor will it promote a Constituent Assembly, although he indicated that this does not prevent citizens from raising such an initiative.
During the weekly press conference, the high-ranking official explained that the current administration promotes free enterprise and free private initiative, but requires that businesspeople pay their taxes.
"The government's policy has been that since the beginning; we have not promoted, we do not promote, nor are we going to promote the Constituent Assembly, but that does not mean that citizens cannot raise that initiative; it is a right of citizens, as is opposing the Constituent Assembly," he told reporters.
In this sense, the Cabinet chief specified that the economic policy followed by the Executive Branch is very clear, despite the fact that some people want to impute the idea that this is a communist government.
"That is false, we are not communists, and they do this because perhaps they do not know what communism is, communism means planned economy and a single party, and we are the opposite; that is why we are (the economy is) growing and one sector doesn't like that," he expressed.
Therefore, the
Prime Minister called on all Peruvians to agree that the economy grows, but this disturbs some people. However, "it is necessary to put Peru ahead of any partisan or particular flag."
Moreover, he stated that none of the ministers has been convicted or indicted, or been imposed any administrative sanction. Thus, he said it is necessary "that they be judged for what they do."
Regarding the statements made by the investigated businesswoman Karelim Lopez —published by some media outlets— he said that she is not a cooperating witness, but that she is an applicant.
He added that all acts mentioned by her and reported by various media outlets "must be corroborated."