
Peru President calls for collaborative efforts to boost employment support program

12:03 | Lima, Jun. 16.

Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra on Tuesday called on public and private sectors to join efforts in order to boost Arranca Peru (Get off the ground, Peru) Program, the economic reactivation, and employment generation for the benefit of the population.

Remarks were made in a meeting with representatives of the National Confederation of Private Business Institutions (Confiep).

According to the Head of State, Arranca Peru will generate 1,009,700 jobs through an investment of S/6.436 billion (about US$1.858 billion), which would be noticed from the second half of 2020.

In addition, this program summarizes an additional effort in terms of public investment in four sectors: transport and communications, housing, agriculture, and labor.

Initially set to last from March 16 to 30, the quarantine was extended until June 30.

On this occasion, the President was joined by members of the Council of Ministers. The event was held at the Government Palace in Lima.

Tuesday marks the ninety-third day of mandatory social isolation in Peru.


Published: 6/16/2020