
Peru: PM says Council of Ministers did not address issue on Abimael Guzman's body

17:05 | Lima, Sep. 16.

Peru's Prime Minister Guido Bellido on Thursday affirmed that the proposal of the Ministry of Justice to incinerate the cadaver of Shining Path terrorist ringleader Abimael Guzman was not discussed during the Council of Ministers session on Wednesday.

At a press conference, the Cabinet chief said that Guzman was "a genocide and terrorist," adding that the Council of Ministers did not address his case.

"There were many items on the agenda yesterday, the topic has not been addressed, and the Executive Branch's position remains unchanged: this has to be examined by the Public Ministry, which has asked Congress to show what actions would be taken," he stated.

Asked about eventual changes in the Ministerial Cabinet, Bellido underscored that this is decided by the President of the Republic Pedro Castillo, who will inform the population and the media when the moment comes.  

"In the meantime, let us stay calm," the high-ranking official remarked.

Regarding the appointment of Julian Palacin as the new head of the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (Indecopi), the Prime Minister mentioned that the population has demanded changes, so he should have the opportunity to present his work and, if he does not meet the requirements, authorities will take a decision.

"Citizens need an opportunity. I think we should opt for it," he pointed out.

The head of the Ministerial Cabinet argued that there is no need to fear changes in government offices, noting that this is important to improve the functioning of the State.


Published: 9/16/2021