
Peru: Monitoring for Health in 2020 plan to strengthen prevention at commercial premises

The launch was led by Prime Minister Walter Martos and featured Defense Minister Jorge Chavez, among other inspecting authorities. Photo: ANDINA/PCM

The launch was led by Prime Minister Walter Martos and featured Defense Minister Jorge Chavez, among other inspecting authorities. Photo: ANDINA/PCM

14:56 | Lima, Sep. 3.

"Monitoring for Health in 2020" —an operations plan launched on Thursday on a multisectoral basis— will reinforce preventive and control measures to ensure compliance with biosafety standards and protocols at commercial premises nationwide so as to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Interior Ministry (Mininter) has reported.

This plan will require the intervention of 2,400 members from the National Police (PNP), Armed Forces, municipalities and other State-run entities, who will conduct joint operations to guide, supervise and raise awareness among shopkeepers and consumers.

Operational actions kicked off today with a trial phase in the districts of Los Olivos, Comas, Carabayllo and Puente Piedra, where authorities visited markets, hostels, restaurants, bus stops, bus terminals, among others, providing guidance on preventive measures to their managers.

The awareness-raising activity collected information on compliance with the documentation and health protocols decreed to prevent infections, including the use of face masks, alcohol-based hand sanitizers and measures to guarantee social distancing.

The second phase of this plan will include control operations to be carried out by the municipalities, with the support of law enforcement officers, starting the second week of September. During this stage, fines will be imposed and premises will be shut down, if needed.

Said activities will continue progressively in other districts within Lima, Callao and the interior of the country, where law enforcement officers and inspectors will continue to meet with business managers and verify compliance with preventive measures.

In this respect, Peruvian National Police General Orlando Velasco remarked that these actions aim to strengthen the control capacity of local governments at the national level, as well as instruct shopkeepers and consumers.

The launch was led by Prime Minister Walter Martos and featured Defense Minister Jorge Chavez, among other inspecting authorities.


Published: 9/3/2020