Labor and Employment Promotion Minister Sylvia Caceres on Thursday announced that the reopening of shopping centers will start on Monday, June 22, since the adaptation of protocols is ongoing.
"The regulation is likely to be published in
El Peruano official gazette today and, as far as I remember, it will enter into force Monday, given that various shopping centers and conglomerates are still being authorized to operate and are currently in process of adaptation," the minister told Radio Nacional.
"This is the information we were given yesterday, that they needed this period of time to reopen activities and doors to the public, obviously, with all guarantees, ensuring social distancing, wearing face masks, and providing hand sanitizer or alcohol at the entrance to the establishment," she added.
"They (the malls) are expected to reopen at 50% capacity. There is close coordination between the Ministry of Production and the owners of these businesses," the government official pointed out.
"I want to stress the important role played by local authorities, that is, mayors, as strategic allies when it comes to safeguarding health, not only of vendors, but of the people who buy their products," she added.
Published: 6/18/2020