
Peru: Haiti formally joins Lima Group

16:54 | Lima, Jan. 28.

The Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday announced that the Lima Group —made up of several countries with the aim of seeking a solution to the crisis in Venezuela— has included Haiti as a member of this organization.

After a request made by Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Haiti, Bocchit Edmond, and a letter sent by his Peruvian counterpart Gustavo Meza-Cuadra —in his capacity as coordinator— the Caribbean country was formally incorporated into the Lima Group.

Thus, Haiti joins the group's efforts that contribute to finding a peaceful, democratic, and constitutional solution in Venezuela —led by Venezuelans themselves— through free, fair, and transparent general elections.
As is known, the Lima Group is also composed of the Governments of Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, and Venezuela (Guaido administration).


Published: 1/28/2020