
Peru: Foreign Affairs Min to meet with Pope Francis on Oct 17

Photo: ANDINA/Carla Patiño

Photo: ANDINA/Carla Patiño

10:30 | Lima, Oct. 13.

Peruvian Foreign Affairs Minister Cesar Landa will be received by Pope Francis at the Vatican on Monday, October 17, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed on Thursday.

Via its official social media channels, the government agency indicated that this information had been confirmed at the Vatican.

The visit to the Supreme Pontiff will take place within the framework of the work trip that the 
government official begins today through Belgium, France, Italy, the Holy See, and Mexico.

Within this framework, the Cabinet member will hold a meeting with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of the Holy See, at the Holy See. It will be also attended by the Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See, Monsignor Paul Richard Gallagher.

During said visit on October 16-18, they will sign a certificate of delivery and repatriation of three pre-Columbian Peruvian mummies that are currently held at the Vatican museums.

The Executive Branch authorized the Minister's trip through Supreme Resolution 244-2022-PCM, published in the Official Gazette El Peruano on October 12.


Published: 10/13/2022