
Peru: Congress grants confidence vote to Prime Minister's Cabinet

Photo: ANDINA/Andres Valle

Photo: ANDINA/Andres Valle

22:00 | Lima, Jan. 10.

During a plenary session, the Congress of the Republic on Tuesday night granted a vote of confidence to the Cabinet led by Prime Minister Alberto Otarola.

As is known, the Cabinet chief presented the Government's General Policy, in addition to the main guidelines of his administration, to lawmakers earlier today.

Once the debate was over, parliamentarians cast 73 votes in favor, 43 against, and 6 abstentions.

Thus, Congress approved granting the investiture vote to the Otarola Cabinet —after an extensive debate which lasted more than five hours.

According to Article 130 of the Constitution, the Prime Minister must attend Congress joined by the Cabinet to present and debate the Government's General Policy —within 30 days after having been sworn-in to office. On the occasion, he raises the confidence motion. 

"Consequently, the confidence motion raised by Prime Minister Luis Alberto Otarola Peñaranda, President of the Council of Ministers, has been approved," said Congress Chairman Jose Williams once the session was over.

The agreement will be immediately notified to the President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, in accordance with the provisions on the last paragraph of Congress Regulations' Article 82.

Parliamentarians from the following parties: Somos Perú (We are Peru), Avanza País (Go on Country), Renovación Popular (Popular Renewal), Fuerza Popular (Popular Force), Alianza para el Progreso (Alliance for Progress), and Acción Popular (Popular Action) voted in favor of the motion. 

On the other hand, legislators from Perú Libre (Free Peru), Cambio Democrático-Juntos por el Perú (Democratic Change-Together for Peru), Bloque Magisterial (Magisterial Bloc), and Perú Bicentenario (Bicentennial Peru) voted against it.


Published: 1/10/2023