
Peru: Citizens march through downtown Lima streets

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

Photo: ANDINA/Renato Pajuelo

01:00 | Lima, Dec. 8.

Various civil society organizations and groups of citizens marched through the streets of downtown Lima on Thursday evening to express their stance for and against the Government, the Congress of the Republic, and other authorities.

Since 4:00 p.m., various groups of demonstrators from different districts of the capital city began to arrive at Plaza 2 de Mayo (May 2nd Roundabout) and Plaza San Martin (San Martin Square) in Lima district.

From there, citizens began to walk through different avenues heading to Avenida Abancay (Abancay Avenue) where the headquarters of the Public Ministry and Parliament are located.

Citizens participated in the demonstrations carrying flags and signs, while Peruvian National Police agents accompanied the marches and guarded the Legislative Palace.

According to various media outlets, different demonstrations were also registered in other Peruvian regions.


Published: 12/8/2023