14:00 | Cajamarca (Cajamarca region), Jun. 19.
celebration of Corpus Christi in northern Andean city of Cajamarca brings together religiosity and cultural tradition, thus becoming one of the most emblematic festivities in this Andean region.
This article narrates the celebration of locals in honor of the Holy Eucharist.
People's and institutions' mass participation at
Corpus Christi leads authorities to declare June 20 a non-working day to facilitate the development of activities during this observance.
One of the most entrenched traditions is the making of multicolor flower carpets, which kicks off in the early morning hours, as well as the erection of seven altars within the perimeter of Cajamarca's main square.
The festivity begins with a solemn morning mass at the Cathedral led by the bishop, who is joined by deacons and priests.
Locals, politicians, military members, the police, and several religious orders attend the ceremony.
The Eucharistic Procession comes next. The sacred host —kept in the monstrance— is carried in procession and represents the Corpus Christi (Latin for "Body of Christ").
A large group of musicians from peasant communities accompanies the journey of the venerated image.
The Corpus Christi tradition became popular in Cajamarca as part of the Spanish evangelization process, more than 400 years ago.
The essence of honoring the Holy Eucharist is maintained, but urban and rural cultural traditions of the region have been included throughout the time.
Published: 6/19/2019