Abimael Guzman Reinoso (a.k.a. Gonzalo) was the main leader of Shining Path terrorist group, which spread death and destruction all over Peru between the 1980s and 1990s.
This is the criminal history of Peru's most wanted terrorist for years, on whose head the Government put a US$1 million bounty.
Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) began armed activities during presidential elections in May 1980 by burning ballot boxes in the Andean town of Chuschi (Ayacucho region), when the country returned to democracy after military rule.
Since then, the Philosophy professor went into hiding and led a war against the country, bringing death, causing thousands of disappearances, and destroying public property for over a decade.

According to Peru's
Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Shining Path was the first group to perpetrate violence in the country and was responsible for 54% of the deaths and disappearances reported to the Commission.
The terrorist organization used acts of extreme violence and unprecedented cruelty to frighten the population.
Guzman was captured as he met with other members of Shining Path's central committee on September 12th, 1992, at Maritza Garrido Lecca's house in Lima's Surquillo district.

On the other hand,
Abimael Guzman is serving a life sentence in the maximum security prison at the naval base in Callao.
He currently faces a process for the car-bomb attack on Tarata Street in Lima's upscale Miraflores district.
Published: 9/12/2017