The Cabinet member said that this preparation involves central and regional governments.
In this regard, the high-ranking official announced that he would meet with health directors from all regions today, adding that on Saturday he will do the same with governors so as to know their requirements in terms of medical oxygen, ICU beds, and the implementation of temporary oxygen centers, in addition to their health-related plans to face the third wave.
"It is important that regional governments assume their leading role, starting with their requirements and their plans to face the third wave in each region. For its part, the State must ensure the follow-up of each plan and adequate financing," he indicated.
Concerning oxygen, Minister Cevallos commented that there are currently 326 plants, adding that 26 additional ones will be acquired. Besides, the same is being done in regions to cover their shortcomings.
"We do not want citizens to have to beg for oxygen," he pointed out.
In the case of ICU beds, the high-ranking official mentioned that —although Peru can rely on this equipment— there is a deficit of 700 professionals to handle them. Thus, it was decided to make intermediate respiratory care units operational, which are already assisting patients with oxygen at Social Health Insurance System (EsSalud) hospitals, thus preventing them from the need for ICU beds.
Vaccination of people over 60 years old
At this point, the minister said he was aware that
—by the end of September when the third wave may begin— 70% of the population will not be immunized as required to achieve herd immunity. Therefore, the State must prioritize the vaccination of senior citizens aged above 60, which is the most vulnerable group.
He also explained that 80% of those who died in ICU beds are over 60 years old, while there is a gap of 1.2 million people of this age group, who have not received both
vaccine doses.
Thus, the Ministry will look for and visit them at home for vaccination purposes "because this is the population that will die if it is not immunized."