14:46 | Cajamarca (Cajamarca region), Feb. 13.
Cajamarca's traditional carnival concluded its main activities with a colorful parade, in which participating delegations showed off their best costumes.
The organizing committee —led by Luis Vasquez Rodriguez— opened the parade, which lasted more than five hours.
Cajamarca Regional Governor Porfirio Medina Vasquez and regional government workers joined the display wearing traditional costumes from
the region.
The first float carried the
carnival queen Claudia Corcuera Hernandez.
Each delegation was accompanied by a band of musicians who made people dance and sing.
Celebratory activities will continue today with the wake of Ño Carnavalon, or King Momo, at Los Heroes Avenue at 8:00 PM (local time).
On Wednesday 14, a procession will head to Baños del Inca district, where a farewell ceremony and the cremation of Ño Carnavalon will take place.
Published: 2/13/2018