
Amazon Summit: President Boluarte invites counterpart Lula to Peru

Photo: ANDINA/Presidency of the Republic of Peru

13:15 | Belem do Para (Brazil), Aug. 8.

The President of the Republic Dina Boluarte on Tuesday invited Brazilian counterpart, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, to visit Peru with the aim of further deepening the bilateral integration.

Peru's top official issued this invitation during her speech at the Amazon Summit, which takes place in Belem do Para —a Brazilian city that connects the Amazon River with the Atlantic Ocean.

The Head of State affirmed that Peru thanks Brazil and President Lula for having convened said multilateral event, which brings together the leaders of eight countries covered by the Amazonia.

Mrs. Boluarte indicated that 2023 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Peru-Brazil Strategic Partnership and the 25th Anniversary of the Brasilia Agreement. The latter sealed peace with brother country Ecuador.

In this sense, the top official stressed that this is a very high moment of peace in our region.

"I want to invite you to visit my country soon to further deepen Peruvian-Brazilian integration and united to transform the governance of the Amazon that we share," she expressed.

Besides, the president proposed a firm and clear alliance in order to stop environmental crimes that affect the Amazon, noting that her administration "is willing to allocate resources, as well as to advance in the conservation and sustainable use of our forests."

The Head of State ended her speech by saying "Long live the Amazon countries" in Quechua, an original language.

The Fourth Meeting of Heads of State and Government of Countries Signatory to the Amazon Cooperation Treaty (ACT) takes place in Belem do Para on August 8-9. 

It is made up of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela.


Published: 8/8/2023