
Peru sets new daily record for COVID-19 vaccines administered



11:39 | Lima, Aug. 12.

The vaccination teams in the health sector across the country set a new record for COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in a single day on Saturday, August 7, according to data provided by the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

Based on the latest update of the HISMINSA's Immunization Module, 449,312 doses were applied on August 7, up 19% from the previous record of 377,449 doses set on July 24. 

It is worth noting that 64% of the doses administered that day were from Sinopharm and 36% from Pfizer, two brands that have proven effective in preventing vaccinated individuals from dying or becoming severely ill with COVID-19.

In addition, HISMINSA reported that —of the total vaccines administered on said day— 59% were first doses and 41% second doses.

The record of almost half a million doses applied in a day was achieved as part of the fourth Vaccinathon conducted in Lima Metropolitan Area, Callao, Arequipa, Ica, Lima region, Junin, Piura, Tumbes, and Cajamarca.

Health Minister Hernando Cevallos has praised the work undertaken by doctors, nurses, and all health sector teams, including the Directorates of Integrated Health Networks (Diris), the Regional Health Directorates (Diresa), the Social Health Insurance System (EsSalud), as well as health services of the Armed Forces and the National Police.

The vaccines are the key tool that will help avoid a surge of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units (ICU) or their death. 

Therefore —on the verge of a third wave of the coronavirus pandemic— Minsa is working to get more people fully vaccinated, which means that they have received the two doses of the vaccine.


Published: 8/12/2021