
Sinopharm's COVID-19 vaccine trial resumed in Peru

Photo: AFP

Photo: AFP

16:43 | Lima, Dec. 17.

COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials conducted by China's laboratory Sinopharm in Peru —at San Marcos (UNSMSM) and Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) Universities— resumed on Thursday after being suspended since December 11.

In a release, both educational institutions reported that the National Health Institute (INS) —the country's regulatory authority for clinical trials— has authorized the resumption of activities at the two centers where Phase 3 clinical trials of two inactivated vaccines are being conducted.

In this sense, the universities underscored that all activities returned to normal, including the administration of the first and second doses of the investigational product.

However, they reported that the event that forced the suspension of the trial is being investigated to determine its nature and potential relation with the investigational product.

"We reiterate that the safety of volunteers is our priority; therefore, the necessary measures will be taken to meet this goal," UNMSM and UPCH said in a statement.

The institutions thanked the more than 11,000 volunteers for their participation and confidence in the professional team responsible for this project, which will strengthen the development of science and research in Peru.


Publicado: 17/12/2020