
Peru's GDP may have grown nearly 7% in April 2018

Centro Financiero.Foto: ANDINA/Carlos Lezama

Centro Financiero.Foto: ANDINA/Carlos Lezama

13:37 | Lima, Jun. 12.

Peruvian economy may have expanded nearly 7% in April 2018, over the same month last year, Central Reserve Bank (BCR) Governor Julio Velarde projected Tuesday.

"GDP is expected to have grown close to 7% in April. We can see a great dynamism," he underlined.

According to State-run INEI figures, national economy grew 2.81% last January, followed by 2.86% (February), and 3.93% (March).

Velarde delivered remarks during his participation at the 12th Andean Finance & Investment Forum.

Organized by LatinFinance, this international meeting brings together bank executives and regional investors.

Speaking at the event, the BCR head highlighted that Peruvian economy is solid and has entered an upward trend again.

As is known, Peru's GDP expansion had been limited by some factors like the Lava Jato corruption scandal which affected the construction sector.

In addition, Velarde stressed economic indicators are quite positive —such as those regarding electricity and cement consumption. 

"Everything points upwards, including government spending in terms of investment," he pointed out.


Published: 6/12/2018