
Peru President opens 2018 school year

LIMA, PERÚ-MARZO 27 .Reinicio de clases escolares en el colegio Manuel Gonzales Prada de San Juan de Lurigancho. Foto: ANDINA/Norman Córdova

10:17 | Lima, Mar. 12.

Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski opened the 2018 school year on Monday encouraging children across the country to enjoy this time of their life as it will hold fond memories.

"Enjoy school because you'll remember the good times when you get old," he stated, speaking from Juan Guerrero Quimper School in Lima district of Villa Maria del Triunfo.

The Peruvian leader said the Government is fulfilling its obligations to improve quality of education in Peru, which is why he called on teachers and students to do their part to achieve such goal.

"We will all do our part, but you also have to enjoy life and care for others," he underlined.

Peru's top official urged Education Minister Idel Vexler to promote the use of tablets and computer system so that teachers have better technological tools for use in their classes.

Finally, he noted the quality of infrastructure at Juan Guerrero Quimper, which is one of the largest schools in the country.

Mr. Kuczynski had a brief tour of the school facilities and made time for students, teachers, and parents.

More than 6 million public school children across the country returned to class Monday for a new academic year.


Published: 3/12/2018