
BBC: Peru's Tacna, favorite destination for Chileans

13:27 | Lima, Feb. 9.

The Spanish BBC website on Friday published an article stating how Tacna —the "Heroic City" and symbol of Peruvian patriotism— became the favorite destination of Chileans.

Nowadays, Tacna "is looking for tourists, essential for its economy and development […]. In fact, most foreign visitors in Peru come from Chile," the publication reads.

According to Tacna's Immigration Office, more than 1.6 million Chileans crossed the Peruvian border in 2016, while 900,000 Peruvians entered Chilean territory —an unusual behavior according to the article.


Tacna Chamber of Commerce Chairwoman Corinne Flores said Chileans visit the city attracted by "health services, shopping, and gastronomy."

Also, she underscored the number of Chilean tourists doubled over the last 10 years. 

They are attracted by the increasingly specialized tourist services, the favorable exchange rate, and lower costs than in their country.

"In Tacna, there is indeed a free trade zone with very low tariffs […]," Flores told BBC.

"Between 5,000 and 8,000 visitors come from the neighboring country each week, and about 25,000 on weekends," she added.

The officer said Chilean tourists spend an average of US$80 per person while in Tacna, which results in a monthly revenue of US$20 million.  


Publicado: 9/2/2018