
Peru: New Congress takes office

ANDINA/Juan Carlos Guzmán

16:48 | Lima, Jul. 22.

130 Congress members in charge of the legislation, monitoring and national representation for the 2016-2021 term were sworn in and took office today in Peru.

Led by Kenji Fujimori, the six-hour-long oath-taking ceremony started at 10:00 AM (local time) at Lima-based Congress headquarters.

Lawmakers were elected by popular vote during the general election held on April 10th.

The new Parliament is composed of legislators belonging to parties: Frente Amplio (20), Peruanos Por el kambio (18), Alianza para el Progreso (9), Apra (5), Accion Popular (5) and Fuerza Popular (73).

Following the program, the Board of the Congress for the 2016-2017 term will be elected on Tuesday July 26th.


Published: 7/22/2016