
U.S. committed to cooperate with Cajamarca on development issues

Embajador de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica, Brian Nichols,Foto: ANDINA/Melina Mejía

Embajador de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica, Brian Nichols,Foto: ANDINA/Melina Mejía

07:59 | Lima, Mar. 13.

U.S. Ambassador Brian A. Nichols arrived in Cajamarca in northern Peru to become acquainted with the region's reality and address development issues along with regional and municipal authorities.

While in the regional government headquarters, he met Governor Porfirio Medina and expressed his willingness to cooperate with Cajamarca in implementing social development policies.

They also talked about the cardiovascular surgery campaign, organized by the Regional Directorate of Health (Diresa) and the Regional Hospital of Cajamarca, to be held from March 15-18 in the same city.

The campaign will bring together U.S. doctors, who will perform highly specialized surgical procedures such as aortic valve replacement, cardiac catheterization, and mitral valve replacement.

Medina spoke on behalf of its people to extend a warm welcome and thank the diplomat for his visit and willingness to work with regional authorities.

Nichols, in turn, said he was impressed by the response of regional officials.

“This has been an excellent meeting, I see willingness to get to work on education, health and cultural issues,” he underlined.


Published: 3/13/2015