El ministro de Defensa, Pedro Cateriano, y el Jefe del Comando Sur de Estados Unidos, general John Kelly. Difusión
Peru’s Defense Ministry and US Southern Command representatives are looking to strengthen bilateral relations and promote respect for human rights in the Peruvian armed forces as they attend a seminar held in Lima, Peru.
The Human Rights Initiative (HRI) Strategic Process Assessment Seminar, which opened on Tuesday and ends today, is a regional program supported by the Southern Command that allows participating soldiers of the hemisphere to create their own scheme for institutionalizing respect for human rights.
Peru participated in the hemispheric seminars from 1997-2002 to develop the Consensus Document and officially joined the HRI in 2010, making a formal commitment to implement HRI within its armed forces.
This is another example of military cooperation between the United States and Peru, such as the visit of the USS America and its 1,200 sailors to the coast of Peru in September last year.
The U.S. Embassy in Lima also informed the aircraft carrier USS George Washington will visit the Andean nation in September 2015 carrying more than 3000 sailors as part of its journey across the Atlantic Ocean.
Published: 2/25/2015