
Peru aims to strengthen education agenda with Arab countries

Santiago Marcovich, Director general for Africa, Middle East and Gulf States at the Peruvian Foreign Ministry..

Santiago Marcovich, Director general for Africa, Middle East and Gulf States at the Peruvian Foreign Ministry..

10:57 | Lima, Oct. 01 (ANDINA).

The Second Meeting of Education Ministers of South American and Arab Countries (ASPA) is a great opportunity to consolidate an comprehensive education agenda, said Santiago Marcovich, director general for Africa, Middle East and Gulf States at Peru's Foreign Ministry.
"It is important to consolidate an education and culture agenda which involves the development of personal networks by focusing on political, scientific, and academic visits and of authorities, such as entrepreneurs, artists and civil society," the ambassador noted.

He stressed that the contact between the two societies is of the utmost importance for Peru and South America, for instance, in the academic field through the student exchange programs and internships as mobility aided a better understanding among countries.

"The meeting is expected to have the greater participation of educational authorities at the highest level of South America and Arab countries, and to provide continuity to the Kuwait Action Plan through its enhancing it with new initiatives," Marcovich told El Peruano official newspaper.

This year's theme of the ASPA Education is "Information Communication Technologies (ICT) for Inclusion and Sustainable Development".

Moreover, the diplomat pointed out that the Declaration of Lima, adopted at the end of the 3rd ASPA Summit, includes several commitments such as promoting the universalization of quality education and the exchange of researchers and international experts from universities of both regions.

Likewise, the exchange of experiences on educational inclusion of people with disabilities, promoting academic mobilization from and to the ASPA member countries, and cooperation for language teaching between both regions.


Published: 10/1/2013