
World's most life-like robot makes its debut in Peru



12:30 | Lima, Jun. 15 (ANDINA).

The Geminoid DK, the most advanced humanoid robot in the world, was presented in Lima, Peru on Thursday at the Expotic Fair 2012.

Scientist Henrik Scharfe, the robot's creator, showed off Geminoid DK in front of a large crowd and described the robot's numerous features.

Scharfe stated that the robot is almost like a clone and has similar physical features to humans.

The robot can imitate human expressions such as smiling. It can also move its lips and even imitates human breath.

He added that the physical similarities between him and the robot are so similar that people are often confused as to whether he is the robot or the human.

According to an article on website Latinos Post, Scharfe said that the robot was controlled via an internet connection which enables the people to control the android from far distances.

“That way a person can be in two places at once,” said Scharfe at the conference.

According to La Republica, Scharfe then went on to explain how a few month earlier he had been teaching in Germany while the droid stayed in Copenhagen and threw a party in his name.

The scientist, who is also a professor at the Aalborg University in Denmark, asked his audience to imagine a future in which a robot would take on the role of a professor, or taking out the dog, or picking up children from school.

The Geminoid DK will cost around $170,000. It was constructed in 2010 in Tokyo and Copenhagen and is the third of its kind in a series that was started by Hiroshi Ishiguro, the foremost creator of Androids.

Ishiguro’s first robot was the Geminoid HI-2 and he followed it up with the Geminoid-F, the first feminine android. Ishiguro and Scharfe collaborated on DK and is by far the most advanced of the three.


Published: 6/15/2012