
World Bank: Peru has one of the highest poverty reduction rates in the region

Ana Revenga

16:31 | Lima, Mar. 10.

The economic growth of Peru has been inclusive because it has benefited the poor more than other groups, which suggests the pace of poverty reduction in Peru has been among the highest in the region, pointed out the Senior Director of the Poverty Reduction Unit at the World Bank Group, Ana Revenga.

“We can say Peru has shown a very positive performance, above average, regarding poverty reduction, which puts it in the top group of the region,” she told Andina news agency.

“The poverty reduction in the country has progressed. Peru, among other countries around the world, has done a great job,” she added.

“The significant and sustained growth of the Peruvian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) benefited the poorest, which resulted in a decrease in inequality.

“There are challenges, but significant progress has been made,” the World Bank economist emphasized.

Ms. Revenga also says this achievement is supported by investments in key social programs and due to the efforts made to improve the quality of basic services and education.


Published: 3/10/2015