
Trade Min: Exports sector is one of Peruvian economy's main engines

Photo: Courtesy by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

Photo: Courtesy by Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru

19:00 | Lima, Dec. 13.

Foreign Trade and Tourism Minister Juan Carlos Mathews on Wednesday affirmed that the exports sector is one of the economy's main growth engines and an important source of employment in Peru.

"Exports have made significant progress in recent years. They are one of the economy's engines and an essential source of employment," he said during the closing of Promo Latinoamerica, organized by the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Export and Tourism (PromPeru).

Minister Mathews underscored that the National Strategic Exports Plan (PENX), which is the roadmap for Peru's exports sector in the medium and long term, has managed to transcend government terms, leading to significant results —always supported by joint work with the private sector.

Challenging year

In that sense, the government official said that, although 2023 has been a challenging year, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) has been working on the negotiation for new trade agreements so as to grant greater opportunities and benefits to Peruvian exporters.

Thus, the Cabinet member indicated that trade efforts have been undertaken, leading to positive results, regarding negotiations with Hong Kong and for the optimization of the FTA with China.

As is known, one of Peru's main strengths is its broad integration into the world thanks to the trade agreements signed over years, which have enabled the South American country to generate jobs and economic growth.

Peru has 22 free trade agreements in force with 58 countries, which account for 82% of world's GDP and more than 3.2 billion potential consumers.

Greater competitiveness

On the other hand, the high-ranking official said that Mincetur has been working to enhance the competitiveness of export companies, mainly micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

Thus, he appreciated the launch of the Productive Export Route and the Internationalization Support Program (PAI), which have been leading to important results, especially in companies from Peruvian regions.

Trade Offices

Minister Mathews also highlighted the important efforts that Peru's Trade Offices (Ocex) abroad have been undertaking to foster the country's micro and small exporting enterprises.

"They have the great responsibility of carrying out commercial intelligence (works) and market prospecting, in addition to other actions aimed at supporting national companies, mainly small- and medium-sized ones," he said.

Promo Latinoamerica took place in the Peruvian capital, Lima, on December 12 and 13.

It was attended by economic and trade advisors based in Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, who provided information to Peruvian exporters about the opportunities offered by the Latin American market for supply from our country.


Published: 12/13/2023