
Tingo Maria National Park: A paradise in the Peruvian Amazon

Impresionante vista interior de la Cueva de las Lechuzas en el Parque Nacional Tingo María.

02:30 | Lima, Nov. 20.

The Tingo Maria National Park is home to 178 species of birds, including the Andean cock-of-the-rock, oilbirds, various species of parrots, woodpeckers, among other birds that are highly appreciated by nature loving visitors.

According to state-run National Service of Natural Protected Areas (Sernanp), the king vulture can be found in this natural protected area — located 486.5 km northeast of Lima, in the Amazon rainforest.

The best tourist routes to observe birds are Tres de Mayo and Cueva de las Lechuzas (Cave of the Owls).

South American tapirs, red deer, collared peccaries, tiger cats and Andean saddle-back tamarins stand out among mammal species.

The area is also home to a great number of butterflies.
The floral diversity found in this zone is typical of the upper jungle —characterized by very humid forests covered by fog in high parts and situated over 1800 meters above sea level. The forest area is small in several areas, and trees are covered by plants, mosses and lichens, due to humidity.

The most precious trees in the place are cedro colorado, tornillo (Cedrelinga catenaeformis Ducke), moena, and whitewood Calycophyllum multiflorum. Species seen in abundance include virola elongata, whitewood guarea, and moena.
Tree ferns and platanillos are common in the lowest parts. Medicinal plants and orchids have been recorded as well, and the best time to see them is between June and December.

Tourist routes
La Cueva de las Lechuzas —located 6.5 km from Tingo Maria city in Huanuco region’s Leoncio Prado province— is a cavern stratified into 6 rooms with stalactites and stalagmites slowly formed over thousands of years.

Their fanciful forms resemble natural sculptures, which give visitors’ imagination free reign. The place houses an important colony of guacharos, bats and insects.
On the other hand, Tres de Mayo lies to the south of the park and is 14 km away from Tingo Maria city.
Travelers should head to Huanuco city in a 20-minute drive to get there. Different types of insects, birds, as well as medicinal, forest and ornamental plants can be seen during the journey.
The landscape also includes beautiful waterfalls such as Gloria Pata and Sol Naciente.

The rainy season runs from October to April; however, only sporadic rainfall has been occurring so far, so visitors have no problems to tour the park.
Average annual temperature is 24.5 °C.

Published: 11/20/2016