
Special Court opens session to render verdict in Alberto Fujimori's trial

Three judge panel renders a verdict today in the trial of former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori. Photo: ANDINA / Rafael Cornejo.

Three judge panel renders a verdict today in the trial of former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori. Photo: ANDINA / Rafael Cornejo.

09:19 | Lima, Apr. 07 (ANDINA).

A Special Court in Lima led by Judge César San Martín, has just opened a session to render a verdict today in the trial of former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori on accusations of human rights abuses. Fujimori has been accused of authorizing or covering up killings and forced disappearances by security forces during the so-called dirty war against Maoist insurgents in the 1990s. 

Judge San Martín stated the verdict, to be delivered in short, was unanimously adopted and that during the session a short version of the verdict -including 711 files- will be read.

The verdict process has required a constant group work, since the beginning of Fujimori's trial (1990-2000).

Fujimori is being processed under murder charges in La Cantuta and Barrios Altos as well as the kidnapping of the jurnalist Gustavo Gorriti and the businessman Samuel Dyer.

The session was opened some minutes after 09:00 hours.

Some representatives of the Prosecutor's Office, José Peláez and Avelino Guillén; attornies Carlos Rivera and Ronald Gamarra, and Fujimori's attorny, César Nakasaki, are attending the session.


Published: 4/7/2009