
Schools to observe Afro-Peruvian Culture Day

LIMA, PERÚ-MAYO 24. Ministra Patricia Salas inaugura jornada por el "Día de la Cultura Afroperuana"


LIMA, PERÚ-MAYO 24. Ministra Patricia Salas inaugura jornada por el "Día de la Cultura Afroperuana" Foto: ANDINA

16:01 | Lima, Jan. 16.

The Education Ministry of Peru—Minedu has ordered public and private schools across the country to include four new observances in the school calendar.

These new dates include International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, observed annually on 21 March; the Afro-Peruvian Culture Day, on June 4; Day of Indigenous Peoples and Intercultural Dialogue, on October 12 and; Day for the Abolition of Slavery in Peru, on December 3.

Under a vice-ministerial resolution —published in El Peruano official gazette and signed by Deputy Minister Flavio Figallo— Minedu entrusts regional and local education units with the implementation of necessary measures to comply with such initiative.

The school calendar includes the most remarkable dates of our history and contributes to the comprehensive development of students and reinforcement of national values.


Published: 1/16/2016